Panicum dichotomiflorum (Fall panicum)
Identification tips
Tip #1: Panicum comes from the Latin word panis,meaning bread, or panus,which means"corn cob". Dichotomiflorum means "with a forked inflorescence".
Plant shape
2º Identification Tip: is an annual summer grass, the nodes and internodes tend to form elbows.
3º Identification tip: the leaves have hairy ligules, usually white, around the collar of the ligule may exist some sparse hairs. The sheet does have hairs, and auricle.
4º Identification Tip: because it is annual does not have reserve structures, and its multiplication depends on the seeds.
5º Identification tip: the panicle is large, open and spread, which can have a purple coloration at maturity and produces small oval straw seeds.
6º Identification tip: the seeds are oval shaped and straw colored, looking like a homemade bread. To identify the seed plant start with here.
Seedlings - the terror of all
7º Identification tip: seedlings may look very different from mature plants. Perhaps the most notable feature is the hairs that occur on the lower surfaces of the leaves.
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