Erigeron canadensis (Horseweed)
Identification tips
Tip #1: the genus comes from the Greek ēri 'early' + 'old' gerōn (because the plant blooms at the beginning of the year and some biotypes become become grayish, old looking, over time. Canadensis meand of Canada.
Plant shape
2º Identification Tip: is an annual plant initially growing in rosette and grows with a unique stem.
3º Identification tip: the leaves are alternated occur along the entire length of this stem, where they are densely arranged and appear to be almost curled. These leaves become only slightly smaller in size as they ascend into the stem. They have toothed edges and white hair.
4º Identification tip: the central stem is robust is light green; is covered with scattered white hair.
5º Identification tip: the flowers form in the main stem, forming a bunch with many flowers, in addition, smaller panicles of flowers can develop from axillary stems of the upper leaves.
6º Identification tip: seeds are difficult to see, for more details visit
Seedlings - the terror of all
7º Identification tip: cotyledons have short petiole and round leaves, true leaves have long petiole, and oval leaves.