Artemisia biennis (Biennial wormwood)
Identification tips
Tip #1: genus Artemisia via Latin from Greek, 'wormwood', in honor of the goddess Artemis,to whom it was sacred, biannual biennis.
Plant shape
2º Identification tip: artemisia biennis grows slowly after emergence, remaining as a rosette until summer, when plants shoot and growth becomes rapid.
3º Identification tip: the leaves do not have pandthem and have yielded margins, quite thin, which helps in identifying when separated with Common ragweed.
Artemisia biennis left and artemisiifolia artemisiifolia
4º Identification tip: the stems do not have pandthem, they are green and can be reddish.
5º Identification tip: the flowers are arranged in the shape of a spikelet, with round yellowish flowers.
6º Identification tip: the seeds are numerous and very small.
Seedlings - the terror of all
7º Identification tip: the cotyledons are round and small, are confused with the first true leaf, because it does not have the pattern of the rest of the true leaves. The first true leaf, is long oval and with tips, forming something similar to a trident.
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