Arctium minus (Common burdock)
Identification tips
Tip #1: the name of the genus comes from the Greek arktos, bear, perhaps alluding to seed wrappers resembling a bear, minus comes from Latin, which means less.
Plant shape
2º Identification tip: biennial plant that produces a basal rosette of large leaves in the first year, and in the second year the plant grows a lot in height, producing several branches and at the tips of the branches is produced the flowers and the pods that gives the species its name.
3º Identification tip: the leaves of the rosette tend to be large, light green and with thin and numerous hairs on the basal part of the leaf.
4º Identification tip: the stems are round or slightly striated in circumference and light green to reddish. Young stems are covered with white hair, but older stems lose hair and have visible longitudinal veins.
5º Identification tip: flowers have a spiny round shape and purple petals.
6º Identification tip: seeds are protected in capsules.
7º Identification tip: as capsules are large, they have seeds inside and adaptations for animals, spreading the seeds.
Seedlings - the terror of all
He's not afraid of anything
8º Identification tip: cotyledons are large, spoon-shaped and with a waxy surface. The subsequent leaves are alternated, egg-shaped, with short hairs, wrinkled between the veins and with a bitter taste.
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