GR Volunteer Corn Control with mixture of Clethodim and Dicamba

Image credit: Jesse Gardner


Volunteer corn is often a recurrent weed infesting RR soybean fields. The control of volunteer corn is usually based on the application of ACCase inhibitors, where good control is often achieved in post-emergence applications. However, the antagonistic interactions between ACCase inhibitors and growth regulators tank-mixtures are well reported in the literature. This issue is relevant considering the widespread adoption of dicamba-tolerant soybean in the US, where clethodim + dicamba tank-mixture applications are a common practice among farmers.

Dec 1, 2020 1:00 PM — 1:00 PM

Whant to see the slides?

Interactions of Clethodim and Dicamba on Glyphosate-resistant Volunteer Corn Control

*Language: EN-US.

PhD candidate in Crop Protection.

I’m a PhD candidate in weedsciece, father, husband, podcaster (papoagro) and homebrewer.